Martin Luther King, Jr. Walk & Celebration
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
The Bastrop County Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission presents the 34th Annual Walk for Peace, Justice, and Equality hosted by the City of Elgin. The walk begins at 10:00 am at Veterans Memorial Park at 109 Depot St. The program ...
Membership 101
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
As a member of the Elgin Chamber of Commerce, you have access to a variety of resources, opportunities, and benefits. However, we understand that navigating through everything can be a difficult challenge. That's why we developed Membership 101! The ...
Intro to Emergency Radio Preparedness
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
In this class, we'll go over what kinds of basic emergency radios you might want to get, and how to keep informed and in touch during any kind of event, big or small. The talk portion of the event will last about 90 minutes, with breaks for snacks, ...